
Sales Hub

Leverage the powerful and easy-to-use HubSpot platform to drive sales adoptions and productivity


ManoByte Sales Hub Services



Get strategic guidance and technical consultation on how to quickly get started with the HubSpot CRM, in order to drive sales productivity and growth. Our team will show you how to get going, fast!



Our team of experts will do the heavy lifting and set up everything you need inside the HubSpot CRM, while you focus on running the business. Our hands-on approach ensures HubSpot is set up for your business to scale.



Connect all of your third-party applications to the HubSpot CRM, and ensure that you have connected data and processes that allow your sales team to have access to everything they need to be productive in one place. 


Training & Consulting

Learn expert tips and best practices from our HubSpot-certified trainers. Our team will provide personalized guidance for your organization to successfully adopt and implement HubSpot.



As you move to the HubSpot platform, our migration services will help you migrate your data, assets, automation, and reporting from your previous sales platform.


Custom Development

There is no end to the power of HubSpot. If you have custom functionality that drives your sales process, our HubSpot developers can leverage HubSpot APIs to create anything you need. 

Onboarding vs Implementation

Comparing Onboarding and Implementation is like comparing apples to oranges.  Onboarding is a standard process to help you get the foundational elements of HubSpot in place so that you can start using HubSpot quickly. Implementations are customized projects designed to configure HubSpot to align with your business processes.  See what is included in each below. 
Sales Hub Professional & Enterprise Services

Kick-off / Alignment Call

Setup Productivity tools
Onboarding your team
Create templates and snippets
Create custom properties
Setup Deal Pipeline
Configure custom properties
Setup Meeting Scheduling Tools
Customize lead status
Customize activity types
Setup external system integrations
Data Migration
Sales automation
Setup Sales Sequences
Setup  Sales Reports and Dashboards
Third-Party Integrations
Configure lead scoring

Setup Sales Playbooks

Configure quoting tools
HubSpot Onboarding

Guidance Only

Guidance Only

Guidance Only

Guidance Only

Guidance Only

Guidance Only

Guidance Only

Guidance Only

Guidance Only

Guidance Only

ManoByte Onboarding

Guidance Only


ManoByte Implementation


Frequently Asked Questions


What is involved in the implementation process?

Our implementation involves 5 key phases. Those 5 phases include the strategy phase, the configuration phase, the integration phase, the implementation phase, and the roll-out phase. These phases are designed to ensure how is setup to ensure the success of your business processes. 


Who should be involved in the implementation process? 

It is critical to have the key stakeholders involved throughout the process. We recommend having the head of sales, IT, marketing, and other organizational departments involved in the strategy phase. This will ensure all needs are addressed upfront. 


How will HubSpot help my team?

HubSpot enables reps to manage and complete their key sales activities, including sending emails, making calls, and booking meetings. How HubSpot gives reps more information and saves them administrative time. 


Is Onboarding Required?

Yes, HubSpot requires onboarding. You can either have HubSpot or ManoByte perform the onboarding. HubSpot's onboarding approach is guidance only. Our onboarding service is a hands-on keyboard, white-glove approach. 


How can you help our team with adoption?

We can help you set up HubSpot so that it addresses all your business process needs but you still will have an adoption challenge. We can help you overcome many adoption challenges through communication planning, training, and our systematic roll-out process. 


How do we get started?

If you are ready to have a discussion about your next marketing project, you can schedule a call with our team, and they will be happy to answer any questions that you may have and fully scope out your project.

Ready to Dive In?

We tell others that we bleed orange for a reason. HubSpot is part of our DNA. Leverage our team of HubSpot Developers, MarTech Nerds, Integration Aficionados, Sales Hub Experts, Marketing Hub Experts, and Inbound Marketing Strategists to migrate your existing tech stack over to HubSpot.  The ManoByte team is here to help you:

  • Eliminate friction in your customer’s experience.
  • Transform your Inbound Marketing.
  • Close more deals with a greater velocity.
  • Transform and grow your company’s top-line revenue.

Start Your Project