How Inbound Marketing Increases Revenue for Building Materials Manufacturers
Chelsea Carter

For building materials manufacturers targeted traffic is king, and manufactures are looking for ways they can grow customer engagement. The process smart marketers are finding to facilitate this targeted process is called inbound marketing.
So how does it work so businesses like yours can see measurable revenue growth? Here’s how it’s done:
The cornerstone of every inbound strategy is the development and execution of well-written and engaging content that caters to the interest of your potential customers. A well-executed inbound strategy will create a pathway for your customers through your stream of regularly developed content across the various online platforms your business uses to convey its message.
Improving the navigation abilities of your website while supporting it with tools like HubSpot’s marketing software makes facilitating sales easier. Having a site that’s fully responsive to mobile users ensures there’s an easy path for any interested customer to buy from you, no matter how they come to you. A site that isn’t responsive or is cluttered with confusing directions will alienate your customer and could cause them to move on to someone else who has an easier-to-use website.
It doesn’t matter how strong your content may be, if your reader doesn’t have an action to take at the end of reading it, you aren’t able to maximize the revenue potential that reader may provide you with. Providing clear direction as to what the reader needs to do next helps to guide them through the sales process. Calls-To-Action (CTAs) give your potential customers clear direction on what they are supposed to do next. This takes them through the sales cycle and ultimately, to the purchasing pages. Also, providing links to carefully crafted landing pages will help to grow your conversion rates.
Marketing Workflows
Your potential customers need to be continuously moving through the process of inbound marketing (Attract, Convert, Close, Delight). When you focus on a revolving process, customers will continue to do business with you time and time again. Marketing workflows helps to accomplish this with automated and personalized emails with actions that your customer should take to continue this process. Once your content and landing pages have done their job to get the email address of your prospects, these workflows provide the opportunity to get them to take the next action that moves them closer to purchasing again and again.
Workflows also show the customer that you are paying attention to their activity, you care about them, and you put value in their business. This automation process also lets you easily send thank you notices, provide order updates and product information, as well as serves as a place for them to provide feedback.
Keywords and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Keywords and SEO are what tells you what your customers care about, what they are searching for and ultimately what they need. They also help to plan your content strategies so you are providing exactly what want from you. If you are meeting their needs, they are more likely to buy from you.
Content should be SEO-rich so you have a constant stream of traffic from search engines like Google and your social media channels. Keywords serve as the driving force in pulling your customers toward you, keeping them engaged with your business and ultimately, wanting more from you.
Monitoring and Analytics
What is the sense of doing all the work of developing an inbound marketing process if you are unable to see how it’s working to generate revenue for you? Your inbound process should include tools to see exactly how your content/landing pages are performing, how many visitors and purchasers are coming from what sources and what keywords you should be leveraging to grow your visibility. Knowledge is power with inbound, and your monitoring and analytics should serve as your guide on how to best cater to your customers.
Inbound marketing focuses on earning the attention of your audience rather than interrupting their activity in order to get that attention. When executed properly, your inbound process should always be working to meet the evolving needs of your customers so they are more likely to do business with you time and time again. It’s a proven process that not only grows your value and purpose as an organization, but also focuses on accomplishing those important revenue goals.
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