Business Process Automation Insights

How-To Guide for Integrating HubSpot and Salesforce

Written by Kevin Dean | June 3, 2024

How-To Guide for Integrating HubSpot and Salesforce

Integrating HubSpot and Salesforce can streamline your sales and marketing processes, ensuring that data flows seamlessly between the two platforms. This guide will walk you through different integration methods and important considerations for a successful integration.

Using the Built-in HubSpot to Salesforce Integration Tool

Setup and Configuration

To get started with the built-in HubSpot to Salesforce integration tool, first log into your HubSpot account using your login credentials. Once logged in, navigate to the 'App Marketplace,' which you can find in the main navigation bar. The App Marketplace is where you can find various integrations and add-ons to enhance your HubSpot capabilities. Use the search bar to locate the Salesforce integration. Once you find it, click the 'Install' button to begin the installation process.

The installation process will initiate a setup wizard that will guide you through connecting your Salesforce account to HubSpot. Follow the on-screen instructions carefully. You will need to enter your Salesforce credentials and grant the necessary permissions for HubSpot to access your Salesforce data. Once connected, the wizard will guide you through additional configuration steps, such as selecting which Salesforce objects (e.g., leads, contacts, accounts) you want to sync with HubSpot.

Mapping Data Fields

During the setup process, you will need to map data fields between HubSpot and Salesforce to ensure that data syncs accurately. Field mapping is crucial because it determines how data from HubSpot corresponds to data in Salesforce and vice versa. Common fields to map include contacts, leads, companies, and opportunities. For example, you might map the HubSpot "Contact Email" field to the Salesforce "Email" field.

HubSpot’s interface will display a list of standard and custom fields from both platforms. Carefully review these fields and ensure that they match correctly. You can add new field mappings or adjust existing ones as needed. This step ensures that data is accurately reflected in both systems, preventing discrepancies and data integrity issues.

Sync Settings

After mapping the data fields, you will need to choose the sync settings that best fit your business needs. You have the option to configure a one-way sync, where data flows from HubSpot to Salesforce or vice versa, or a two-way sync, where data flows bidirectionally between HubSpot and Salesforce. Consider your business processes and data management needs when deciding on the sync direction.

Next, configure the frequency of data syncing. HubSpot offers various sync frequencies, such as real-time, daily, or weekly syncs. Real-time sync ensures that changes in one system are immediately reflected in the other, while less frequent syncs (daily or weekly) might be suitable for businesses with less frequent data updates. Set the sync frequency based on your operational requirements and the volume of data changes.

Testing the Integration

Once you have configured the sync settings, it’s essential to test the integration to ensure it works correctly. Start by creating test records in both HubSpot and Salesforce. For example, create a new contact in HubSpot and check if it appears in Salesforce. Similarly, create a new lead in Salesforce and verify its presence in HubSpot.

After creating test records, review the data in both systems to ensure it is syncing correctly. If there are any discrepancies, check the integration logs in HubSpot to troubleshoot issues. HubSpot provides detailed logs that can help identify and resolve problems with data syncing. Ensuring that the integration works seamlessly before fully deploying it is crucial to avoid disruptions in your sales and marketing processes.

Using the Integration Tool with Custom Workflows and Operations Hub

Creating Custom Workflows

HubSpot’s workflow automation allows you to create custom workflows that trigger actions based on specific criteria. To leverage this feature, navigate to the 'Automation' tab in HubSpot and select 'Workflows.' Here, you can create a new workflow or modify existing ones. Custom workflows can automate various tasks, such as creating a new lead in Salesforce when a contact fills out a form in HubSpot or updating a contact's lifecycle stage based on their interactions with your website or emails.

When creating a workflow, you can set enrollment triggers based on different properties, such as form submissions, page views, or contact properties. Define the actions that should occur when these triggers are met, such as creating or updating records in Salesforce. Custom workflows help streamline your sales and marketing processes by automating repetitive tasks and ensuring that data is consistently updated across both platforms.

Leveraging Operations Hub

HubSpot’s Operations Hub provides advanced data sync and management capabilities, which can enhance your integration with Salesforce. Operations Hub includes features such as data quality automation, which automatically cleans and formats data before it syncs to Salesforce. This ensures that your Salesforce data remains accurate and standardized.

To use Operations Hub, navigate to the 'Operations Hub' section in HubSpot. Here, you can set up data quality rules and automation tasks. For example, you can create rules to standardize phone number formats, remove duplicate records, or ensure that required fields are populated. These automated tasks help maintain data integrity and improve the overall efficiency of your sales and marketing operations.

Advanced Data Sync

For businesses with complex data structures and relationships, configuring advanced data sync settings is essential. HubSpot allows you to handle custom objects and fields in Salesforce, ensuring that these customizations are accurately mapped and synced. In the 'Data Sync' settings, you can define how custom objects and fields should be treated during the sync process.

Ensure that you review and configure these settings to accommodate any custom data structures you have in Salesforce. This might include mapping custom objects such as product records, subscription details, or any other custom data that is crucial for your business operations. By carefully configuring advanced data sync settings, you can ensure that all relevant data is synchronized and accessible in both HubSpot and Salesforce.

Using a Custom Built Integration with

Introduction to is an integration platform that enables you to create custom workflows and integrations between HubSpot and Salesforce. It provides a visual interface that allows you to design and implement complex data workflows without extensive coding knowledge.’s flexibility and powerful features make it an excellent choice for businesses with unique integration needs.

To get started with, sign up for an account and access the dashboard. From the dashboard, you can create new workflows, connect to various apps, and manage your integrations. supports a wide range of applications and offers pre-built connectors for HubSpot and Salesforce, simplifying the integration process.

Building Custom Workflows

With, you can build custom workflows that involve multiple steps and conditions. For example, you can create a workflow that syncs only high-value leads from HubSpot to Salesforce or updates Salesforce records based on specific activities in HubSpot. To build a workflow, start by creating a new workflow in and selecting the necessary connectors for HubSpot and Salesforce.

In the workflow builder, you can add steps and define conditions using a drag-and-drop interface. For instance, you can set conditions to check if a lead’s score exceeds a certain threshold before syncing it to Salesforce. Additionally, you can add steps to transform data, such as formatting fields or calculating values.’s flexible workflow builder allows you to customize your integration to meet your specific business requirements.

Integration and Testing

After designing your custom workflows, it’s crucial to test the integration to ensure it functions correctly. Connect to both HubSpot and Salesforce using API keys or OAuth tokens. Once connected, run the workflow with test data to validate its accuracy and reliability. provides detailed logs and debugging tools to help you identify and resolve any issues.

Testing should include creating and updating records in both HubSpot and Salesforce to ensure that data flows as expected. Verify that all conditions and transformations are applied correctly and that the data is accurately reflected in both systems. By thoroughly testing the integration, you can ensure that your custom workflows operate smoothly and effectively.

Being Mindful of API Limitations

Understanding API Limits

Both HubSpot and Salesforce have API rate limits that can impact data sync performance. HubSpot’s API limit is typically 100,000 calls per day, which might be sufficient for most small to medium-sized businesses. However, larger enterprises or businesses with high data volumes may need to monitor their usage closely. Salesforce has various limits based on the edition and customizations, so it’s essential to understand these limits to avoid disruptions.

Managing API Usage

To manage API usage effectively, monitor your API calls regularly using the built-in monitoring tools provided by HubSpot and Salesforce. In HubSpot, you can access API usage reports under the 'Settings' menu, where you can view the number of API calls made and identify any spikes or trends. In Salesforce, the 'System Overview' and 'API Usage' sections provide similar insights into API call usage.

Optimize your data sync processes to minimize the number of API calls. This can include batching updates, reducing the frequency of syncs, and consolidating multiple operations into a single API call. For example, instead of syncing records individually, batch them into groups and sync them together. This reduces the total number of API calls and helps stay within the usage limits.

Error Handling

Implement error handling in your integration workflows to manage API rate limit errors gracefully. In HubSpot and, you can configure error handling settings to retry failed API calls or queue them for later processing. This ensures that temporary rate limit errors do not disrupt your integration permanently.

For example, if an API call fails due to reaching the rate limit, set up a retry mechanism that waits for a specified period before attempting the call again. Additionally, log these errors and review them regularly to identify any patterns or recurring issues that need addressing. Proper error handling ensures that your integration remains robust and reliable even when encountering API limits.

Considering One-Way or Two-Way Syncs

One-Way Sync

One-way sync involves data flowing in a single direction, either from HubSpot to Salesforce or vice versa. This type of sync is suitable when data needs to be mastered in one system and replicated to another. For example, if HubSpot is primarily used for marketing activities and Salesforce for sales operations, you might set up a one-way sync to push marketing-qualified leads from HubSpot to Salesforce.

To configure a one-way sync, select the appropriate sync direction in the integration settings. Ensure that only the necessary data fields are mapped and synced, reducing the risk of data conflicts. One-way syncs are generally simpler to manage and maintain, making them a good choice for businesses with straightforward data flow requirements.

Two-Way Sync

Two-way sync ensures that data flows bidirectionally between HubSpot and Salesforce, maintaining data consistency and accuracy across both platforms. This type of sync is ideal for businesses where both systems are used actively, and real-time data updates are crucial. For example, if sales teams use Salesforce to update lead statuses and marketing teams use HubSpot to track engagement, a two-way sync ensures that both systems reflect the latest data.

When setting up a two-way sync, carefully map the data fields and establish rules to handle data conflicts. For instance, decide which system should take precedence if there are conflicting updates. Two-way syncs require more configuration and monitoring but provide a comprehensive solution for businesses needing seamless data integration.

Choosing the Right Sync

Consider your business requirements and data flow needs when choosing between one-way or two-way sync. Evaluate the complexity of your data processes, the frequency of updates, and the need for real-time data consistency. For simpler needs, a one-way sync might suffice, whereas businesses with dynamic data interactions may benefit more from a two-way sync. Additionally, review the potential data conflicts and ensure that your integration setup can handle them effectively.