How Video Calls Have Changed Business Communication for the Better
Chelsea Carter

In the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic, more and more companies are discovering what others have already known for years: business video calls are an incredibly vital, if not absolutely essential, part of the modern communications and marketing puzzle.
Businesses of all sizes continue to value face-to-face interactions, and for very good reasons. The context-rich nature of meeting in-person simply can’t be beat when it comes to supporting full and well-rounded communications. In short, it is much easier to make a strong impression when your audience can not only clearly hear you but see you as well.
Video for Supplementing In-Person Communication
A recent scientific study determined that body language accounts for more than half (55%) of overall communication. In light of this statistic, just imagine the communication problems that are likely to arise when people are unable to see one another!
Many business professionals who are used to shaking hands and looking customers and colleagues directly in the eye are sadly learning what happens when they can no longer do so. There is, however, a silver lining in this situation. As they are forced to interact remotely, companies are developing a much better understanding and appreciation of video calls and conferencing.
While business administrators, sales representatives, and marketing executives who are used to face-to-face conversation may need a bit of time to adjust to the technology, communicating via digital video tools can be a terrific boon to overall company operations. When in-person meetings become inconvenient or impossible, video is a great way to drive your businesses’ internal communications and reach out to external parties that range from customers and clients to suppliers and distributors.
Video Communication as an Essential Modern Business Tool
Although the social distancing measures of the COVID-19 pandemic have suddenly made digital platforms like Zoom and UberConference commonplace, savvy businesses have been leveraging the power of effective video conference calls for more than a decade. Now that they have seen the incredible ability of these platforms to bring people together without gathering them in the same room, businesses will likely keep this particular COVID-19 technology, even when the pandemic subsides. Whether joining individuals from across town or around the world, video communication technology can be an amazingly convenient and cost effective tool.
All told, the benefits of live video chat are both numerous and profound. By leveraging the power of video communications, companies can eliminate the wasted time of sending multiple emails back and forth. They also report improved collaboration capabilities and greater employee satisfaction as sharing information becomes far easier and long-distance travel becomes far less necessary.
Perhaps you have colleagues or team members who are hard of hearing or deaf. By allowing people to communicate visually as well as aurally, video conferencing keeps everyone in the loop!
Using Video to Drive Marketing
Experts in the field bemoan the fact that so many companies have yet to realize just how effective video marketing can be when it comes to promoting consumer brands and driving customer engagement. In short, digital video marketing has been around for decades and businesses who fail to use it are missing out on a great way to invite new and established clients into your marketing world.
Looking for evidence of the popularity of digital video? You don’t have to look very far. A quick visit to social media sites that range from Facebook to TikTok reveals ample evidence that people and businesses alike love to post and watch video.
In short, key consumer demographics are drawn to video because it can provide information with absolute clarity and give a viewer significantly more information in significantly less time than audio or text communication alone. However, this incredibly effective method of information delivery doesn’t come without its potential pitfalls. In fact, the very ability of video to capture attention and show detail can prove problematic. On video, anything and everything from the facial expression of an agent to the way that they are lit can leave a strong impression on your marketing audience.
Video Calls aRe An important piece of the Puzzle
Marketing professionals have been singing the praises of live online chat for years. When face-to-face interaction is impractical or impossible, consumer chat sessions allow companies to establish customer trust and form positive relationships while ultimately guiding customers to beneficial outcomes. Furthermore, by using real-time chat, you can leverage the power of two-way communication to refine company policy and operations on the basis of constructive consumer feedback.
By adding video, these chat sessions can become even more productive and effective. Most customers not only prefer to interact directly with a live company agent, but enjoy the clear and distinct “show and tell” capabilities of video communication.
High levels of customization and context-rich conversation go hand in hand with the video call to help build better customer relationships and generate stronger brand loyalty. Video calls foster a deeper level of consumer connection, giving agents a far better ability to drive final sales conversations and leverage various up-selling and cross-selling opportunities.
To Learn More
For more information about the effective use of video calls, get in touch with ManoByte today. We have the expertise to help you connect with employees, colleagues, customers, and clients using the intimacy of video.
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