The Rise of Agentic AI

Posted By
Kevin Dean
The Rise of Agentic AI

Planning, Designing, Implementing, and Scaling Initiatives

Artificial Intelligence is no longer just about machines that can recognize patterns or respond to simple commands. The next wave of AI innovation, Agentic AI, is about autonomy, adaptability, and action. Unlike traditional AI models, Agentic AI systems can take action in real-world scenarios with minimal human oversight, making them a game changer across industries.

What Is Agentic AI?

Agentic AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that are capable of performing actions autonomously with minimal or no human intervention. The term "agentic" is derived from the idea of "agency," which refers to an individual's capacity to act and exert control over their goals, actions, and destiny. In the context of AI, this means developing systems that can take action in a goal-oriented manner, often using learned information and tools to execute tasks.

How Agentic AI Works

Agentic AI is typically built on top of language models (LLMs) and uses structured prompts and tools to make decisions and perform actions. Here’s a breakdown of its core components:

  • Autonomous Actions: Agentic AI systems interact with their environment autonomously, using predefined prompts that enable them to generate and follow a plan of action with minimal guidance.

  • Tools: Tools are external functions or applications that the AI interacts with to accomplish tasks beyond its native capabilities. For example, an LLM can generate an email but cannot send it. The agent can use a tool to execute that email-sending function, extending its operational capabilities.

  • Memory: Memory allows the system to remember past interactions and user preferences, helping the AI provide contextually appropriate responses and actions, improving its efficiency over time.

  • Function Calling: This refers to the AI's ability to interact with client-side code or other external applications. By sending structured requests to tools and handling their responses, the AI can perform real-world actions, such as sending an email or retrieving live data.

  • Optimization for Tools: Fine-tuned models enhance the agent’s ability to carry out specialized tasks more effectively. These models are optimized for specific functions like tool usage, ensuring that the agent invokes the right tools in the correct contexts.

  • Cloud Execution: Many Agentic AI frameworks use cloud infrastructure to execute tasks, enabling better scalability and performance. Complex tools such as code interpreters or long-running tasks are often executed in the cloud, with the results sent back to the AI for further processing.

In essence, agentic AI creates intelligent systems that act autonomously by leveraging tools, memory, and external data sources. This architecture enables them to perform complex tasks more efficiently and with less human involvement.

1. Planning Your Agentic AI Initiative

To successfully introduce Agentic AI into your organization, a strategic approach is necessary. Here’s what to consider:

  • Identify Core Use Cases: Start with clear business objectives. Are there areas in your operations that could benefit from automation, enhanced decision-making, or workflow optimization? Think of processes that are repetitive but critical, where Agentic AI can operate with minimal oversight.

  • Understand Technological Requirements: Define the tools, technologies, and data necessary to build these agents. This may involve large language models (LLMs), integration with APIs, and tools that can handle various tasks, such as sending emails, retrieving data, or running code autonomously.

  • Assemble a Skilled Team: Building Agentic AI requires a multidisciplinary team. You’ll need AI researchers, developers, cloud engineers, and data scientists to ensure that the project is well-architected and efficient from the start.

2. Designing Your Agentic AI System

Designing an Agentic AI system involves more than simply choosing a model; it’s about orchestrating how your AI will interact with the world around it.

  • Define Agent Behaviors: When designing your AI agents, start by specifying their roles, goals, and actions. What decisions will they be empowered to make? How should they prioritize tasks? Microsoft’s Project AutoGen, for example, simplifies the creation of specialized agents by configuring different LLMs for distinct functions.

  • Modular Approach: Use modular designs where different agents can be built for different tasks. Allen Institute’s Lumos demonstrates this approach with its modular framework, allowing agents to perform a wide variety of actions like understanding natural language, reasoning, and executing plans.

  • Incorporate Memory and Learning: Equip your agents with memory to recall past interactions and actions. This enables continuous learning and improvement, making agents smarter over time. Integrating memory tools, such as real-time feedback and adaptive planning, is crucial for scaling initiatives.

3. Implementing Agentic AI

Once designed, the implementation phase begins. Here’s how to ensure a smooth rollout:

  • Prototype and Test: Begin with smaller-scale deployments, piloting the technology in specific use cases. Moveworks’ Copilot, for example, handles workflows like automating business processes in enterprise environments. Test your AI in isolated environments to identify potential risks or blind spots.

  • Select the Right Tools and Models: Fine-tuned models such as those used in Groq’s tool for Agentic AI workflows ensure that the models are optimized for function calling and specific tasks. Always choose models that are best suited for the tasks at hand, and provide agents with the tools they need to execute tasks autonomously.

  • Address Failures and Feedback Loops: Implement self-checking mechanisms in your agents. This will allow them to assess failures and prompt the user for the next step when required. Ensuring agents have guardrails in place will keep the system robust while preventing agents from running into repeated errors.

4. Scaling Your Agentic AI Initiative

Once your Agentic AI systems are running successfully in pilot programs, it’s time to think about scaling across your organization.

  • Leverage Cloud Infrastructure: Use cloud-based AI and function execution platforms like Toolhouse, which simplify the deployment and scaling of Agentic AI tools. Cloud infrastructure helps reduce latency and manage larger volumes of data as your systems grow.

  • Monitor and Optimize: Tracking performance is essential as you scale. Implement performance monitoring tools to analyze the efficiency of your agents and pinpoint areas for improvement. Moveworks’ Copilot, for instance, relies on continuous monitoring to ensure it automates complex workflows with minimal human intervention.

  • Modular Scalability: Scale your initiative by building upon your modular agent design. For example, as you introduce new tools or workflows, your agents should be able to accommodate new tasks without major reconfigurations.

  • Focus on Long-Term ROI: Scaling Agentic AI isn’t just about operational efficiency; it’s about creating long-term value. As your agents become more autonomous and capable, they’ll free up human employees to focus on higher-level, strategic work, enhancing productivity and growth.

Agentic AI is a transformative force that has the potential to reshape industries by automating complex workflows and empowering AI systems to act independently. However, its successful deployment requires meticulous planning, thoughtful design, and careful scaling.

By following this roadmap—starting with identifying key use cases, leveraging the right tools, and adopting a modular, scalable approach—your organization can fully harness the power of Agentic AI, staying ahead of the curve in this rapidly evolving landscape.