Top 10 YouTube Marketing Channels for Manufacturers

Posted By
Gillian Singletary

YouTube has become an essential platform for digital marketing. The ability to create and upload video content makes it that much easier to reach and engage with potential customers across any industry.

Of course, the fact that YouTube is such a valuable tool also means that you could spend a year watching YouTube videos and not even begin to scratch the surface of the available content. That's why we have put together a list of channels that can be particularly helpful for manufacturing marketers. By no means is this an exhaustive list, but it's certainly a good start if you're new to using YouTube to learn about marketing, manufacturing, and news.

Gary Vaynerchuk


Subscribers: 79,000+

Gary Vaynerchuk is one of the most successful online marketing gurus. His boisterous personality and willingness to take content risks took him from a local business owner to an internationally recognized social media expert and investor.

Types of Videos: GaryVee's channel hosts videos such as his #AskGaryVee series, videos of his keynote speeches at various events, and interviews.

Why it's a Must: Any marketer could learn a thing or two from Gary Vaynerchuck's unapologetic self-promotion and confidence.


Channel: /mashable

Subscribers: 176,000+

What started as a social media blog grew to become one of the leading sources for technology information and all types of news. Mashable uses its YouTube channel to supplement its main blog content.

Types of Videos: From weird viral videos to clickbait like "Is Elon Musk a good CEO?" the Mashable channel is a good example of how to keep going with your content because even though it won't all hit, persistence will pay off.

Why it's a Must: One essential piece of a successful digital marketing strategy is staying up to date with the latest technology and the Mashable channel makes that much easier to do.



Channel: /HubSpot

Subscribers: 16,000+

The HubSpot YouTube channel is a one stop shop for anything having to do with inbound marketing. Regular readers of this blog know that the HubSpot platform offers an inbound marketing platform that makes everything from strategy to execution work together so it should come as no surprise that their channel should land on this list.

Types of Videos: The HubSpot channel includes overview videos of various HubSpot products and features as well as keynotes from the annual Inbound conference, employee interviews, and insight into the HubSpot corporate culture.

Why it's a Must: Inbound marketing works for manufacturers, so familiarizing yourself with the kinds of tools that make inbound work is a great idea.


Channel: /GEReports

Subscribers: 7,000+

General Electric is not a brand you might associate with video entertainment. But the GEReports YouTube channel has a lot of interesting videos across the spectrum of topics and its subscriber base is growing.

Types of Videos: The GEReports channel features information about careers at GE, new technological innovations, and corporate initiatives.

Why it's a Must: Manufacturing companies can feel stunted by their industry, but this channel proves that it's possible to make interesting video content no matter what your company actually does.Cisco


Channel: /Cisco

Subscribers: 104,000+

Cisco Systems is a technology company offering all manner of networking solutions. Founded in 1984, it has grown with the advancements of networking technologies.  

Types of Videos: In addition to promotional videos, Cisco provides user help via the YouTube channel, interviews, office tours, and more.

Why it's a Must: Not only does Cisco have a large YouTube following, they have used the YouTube platform in an innovative way, from creating a landing page for their channel to thoroughly curating their playlists to make it a user-friendly experience.


Channel: /ReelSEO

Subscribers: 44,000+

The video marketing team at ReelSEO has grown an organic YouTube presence through the dedicated production of video content.

Types of Videos: The ReelSEO channel offers videos largely targeted towards creating video marketing content and utilizing YouTube.

Why it's a Must: If you want to start your own video marketing efforts, this is a great channel to check out. The team at ReelSEO offers tips for everything from idea generation to production to promotion.


Channel: /TEDTalksDirector

Subscribers: 3 million+

If you have spent any time online you have seen at least one link to a TED talk. The objective of this speaking series is to share fresh ideas on virtually any topic through lectures and conferences. 

Types of Videos: There are a number of TED channels, but this is the main channel with the widest variety of video content, ranging from talks on prison reform to GMO foods.

Why it's a Must: Part of digital marketing means knowing what the online community is talking about, and TED talks certainly fit that bill. 


Channel: /google

Subscribers: 3 million +

Google needs to introduction. The top search engine in the world has its fingers in everything from smartphone technology to sustainability.

Types of Videos: Google posts videos announcing new products in addition to events like a Google Hangout with the Pope and recruiting opportunities.

Why it's a Must: Any digital marketer needs to know what's going on with Google. The Google YouTube channel is often the first stop for Google to announce new applications, new products, and new ideas.

World Economic Forum

Channel: /WorldEconomicForum

Subscribers: 41,000+

The World Economic Forum promote cooperation between the private and public sectors to improve the economic standing of all people. 

Types of Videos: The channel consists mainly of videos of the World Economic Forum conference panels. 

Why it's a Must: Manufacturing and its place in the modern world is a hot topic when it comes to economics and there are a number of videos that address the future of manufacturing. 


BuzzFeed Video

Channel: /BuzzFeedVideo

Subscribers: 6 million+Description: The World Economic Forum promote cooperation between the private and public sectors to improve the economic standing of all people. 

Love them or hate them, you have watched a BuzzFeed video or taken one of their ubiquitous quizzes. They are masters of buzz marketing, and that includes YouTube marketing. This channel is their main channel, but they currently have 7 BuzzFeed branded channels. 

Types of Videos: Video content ranging from snack food taste test to cooking videos, there is a smattering of everything on this channel. 

Why it's a Must: YouTube marketing doesn't have to be boring or necessarily targeted to one topic. Also, after watching a lot of videos on economic policy and technological innovations, BuzzFeed is just plain fun.