Sharks & Minnows

A Step-By-Step Guide to Lead Nurture Strategies

Written by Rachel Kern | Apr 17, 2023 4:00:00 PM

Lead nurture strategies are essential for any business that wants to keep up with its competition. But how do you find the right approach for your business and customers? This post will cover lead nurturing and how it can help you grow your business. We will also provide examples of different types of lead nurture strategies so that you can choose the one that best fits your company.

What is Lead Nurturing?

Lead nurturing is the process of keeping your leads engaged with your brand. The goal is to turn those leads into customers, so you'll want to ensure they feel comfortable with what you're offering and understand how it can benefit them. Lead nurturing is a way to help your prospects become more familiar with your brand and products by providing them with helpful information about those products over time (i.e., not all at once).

Benefits of Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing is communicating with a prospect over time to increase their interest in your company and its products. This process can take weeks, months, and even years if needed.

The benefits of lead nurturing are numerous:

  • Increase sales by converting leads into customers who make purchases from you.
  • Increase customer retention by keeping customers happy with your services or products, so they never leave for another provider.
  • Increase customer satisfaction by providing relevant information that helps them make better decisions about their needs (hopefully buying more).
  • Increase customer loyalty by delivering exceptional experiences every step — from initial contact through purchase and beyond — so prospects want nothing else but what you're offering them!

What is a Lead Nurturing Strategy?

Lead nurturing is a series of steps to move a prospect through the sales funnel. Lead nurturing is an ongoing process, and it's essential to keep your prospects engaged and interested in your company and products throughout this process. The goal of lead nurturing is to turn cold leads into warm ones by providing value, building trust, and turning them into paying customers.

3 Lead Nurture Strategies

Lead nurturing strategies are the best way to nurture leads and make sure they're ready to buy when you're ready. Here are some lead nurturing automation tips:

Targeted content

You should always send your prospects relevant content that speaks directly to their needs and interests based on what you know about them (e.g., their job title, company size). This could be an ebook or whitepaper on "How To Grow Your Business With Content Marketing" if they've filled out a form requesting more information about how we can help them with content marketing services; it could also be an article on the latest trends in B2B sales automation software if they've expressed interest in learning more about our CRM software solutions.

Multiple touchpoints

An effective campaign will include multiple touchpoints over time--not just one email blast at once! Think of it like dating: You wouldn't want someone who only texts back once every few weeks or months; instead, you want someone who texts/calls/Skypes often enough so that each interaction feels special and memorable.

Creating a lead nurture campaign in HubSpot

You can create custom campaigns using HubSpot's templates for automating emails based on different stages of engagement with your prospects' data (e.g., "New Lead" vs. "Cold Lead"), then edit those templates as needed before adding them to your workflow process so they'll automatically send when triggered by certain events occurring within each stage's lifecycle ("Welcome Email" vs. "Followup Email").

Best Practices for Lead Nurturing

Include a call to action

You've already made it this far, so don't let your lead go cold by forgetting to ask for the sale! Ensure you're including clear CTAs in all your emails that drive people back into the funnel (whether it's through another email or their website).

Send relevant messages at each stage of the funnel

It's important to send relevant messages in terms of content and timing; if someone has just purchased something from you and then receives an email asking them what they thought about their experience with your company, they're likely going to think, "Who cares?" This can lead them straight out of your funnel and into neverland.

Use personalization effectively

Personalize your emails as much as possible. If you're using a tool like HubSpot, it's easy to set up tags that will pull in data from customers' emails and use those tags in your subject lines or body copy. This is a great way to show that you're paying attention and sending relevant information (without being too pushy).

Use a tool like HubSpot to send out emails

HubSpot has many different tools that can help you manage your email marketing campaigns, from sending automated messages based on events in the sales funnel to adding tags so that you can personalize each message with information about each customer's purchase history.

Automate your lead nurture

Lead nurture automation is a great way to save time and money and increase engagement with your leads. Automation allows you to create a consistent brand experience for your leads, so they feel like they're getting personalized attention from the moment they sign up for something until the end of their buying journey. You can use automation to send targeted content based on what stage of the sales cycle someone is in--for example, if someone hasn't bought anything yet but has been visiting your website regularly for weeks, then it would make sense for them not just receive generic messages but also receive more personal ones that address their specific needs.

Automate Lead Nurturing with HubSpot Marketing Hub

You can streamline these operations using automated lead generation and lead nurturing software like HubSpot Marketing. HubSpot is the leader in marketing automation software, so it's easy to use and affordable. You can set up your lead nurturing campaigns in minutes with pre-built templates or create one from scratch. When it comes to automating emails, drip campaigns, or scoring leads based on their activity with your website--you'll be amazed at what you can do with HubSpot Marketing!

Remember to use Multiple Touchpoints

Multiple touchpoints are essential to your lead nurture strategy. By using multiple touchpoints, you can ensure that your message is fresh and reaches the right audience at the right time.

Use multiple channels to reach your target audience

There are many ways to reach prospects and customers--social media, email, mobile apps, and SMS text messages are just a few examples. When planning out your lead nurturing strategy, think about how best to use these channels to reach prospects at all stages of their buying cycle (and even before they've become active buyers).

Make sure each channel delivers consistent messaging

Each channel has a unique personality and tone; as such, every message sent through these various sources must reflect this distinctiveness while staying consistent with any broader marketing efforts or brand guidelines set forth by senior leadership within the company.

Creating a Lead Nurture Campaign in HubSpot

Creating a lead nurture campaign in HubSpot involves several steps:

  1. Define your buyer personas: Identify the different types of customers you are targeting with your campaign, and create detailed buyer personas for each. This will help you tailor your messages and content to each group.
  2. Develop your content strategy: Create a plan to help you engage with your leads and move them further down the sales funnel. This should include a mix of blog posts, emails, social media posts, and other content that will be relevant and useful to your target audience.
  3. Set up your workflows: Use HubSpot's workflow tool to create automated emails and actions to guide your leads through the sales process. For example, you could set up a workflow that sends a welcome email to new leads and a series of educational emails that provide more information about your products or services.
  4. Personalize your messages: Use personalization tokens in your emails and other communications to make them more personalized and relevant to each lead. For example, include their first name in the subject line or body of an email.
  5. Monitor your results: Use HubSpot's reporting tools to track the performance of your campaign and make adjustments as needed. This will help you identify which messages and tactics are working well and which need improvement.


By following these steps, you can create a successful lead nurture campaign in HubSpot that engages with your leads, provides value, and moves them closer to becoming customers.

Lead nurture is a great way to generate and turn leads into customers. You can use lead nurturing to educate potential customers and increase their likelihood of becoming aware of your product or service.

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